Sunday, August 14, 2011

Why is "Welfare" considered an entitlement?

Like just being born in the USA or even now "undoented citizens". If somebody works 40 hours a week, yes they are entitled to get paid for what they WORK for. How is that that somebody that is just here (legally or illegally) entitled to anything?, yes school (for the legals), an opportunity to succeed and be treated equal (not affirmative action). But not Welfare, Section 8, Free Medical, Food Stamps, Day care and on and on. These are not entitlements, these are give aways, taken from those that earned that and ped out to those that don't deserve anything, just because they live here and reproduce more. Yes some here need aid, but not a "life-style" for generations. Those on "Social Security" paid into that and deserve to get paid. No we can't toss them to the streets, but don't make it enticing to be worthless. Those able-bodied on welfare should be required to go to a Church, abandoned school, anywhere and just stay there for 40 hours a week to get anything, yes take their babies with them and just stand there for 40 hours...

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