Tuesday, August 9, 2011

See what he's just done? Should I move on? Has he lost interest?

We met online 3 weeks ago and have met up twice. He calls me all the time, texts me tons and when we can't meet, he will talk for a few hours by skype. He's working and studying but still fitted in times to meet up and have a coffee. Well, here's the thing, I left the site after meeting him as I was tired of the usual type I got chatting to. I told him this. I also told him I want to take things slowly and he said he'd always dreamed of having a girlfriend like me, someone refined and beautiful. So he told me he hopes things go well and we keep going out. We went out 2 nights ago and it went fine...we kissed but I wasn't crazy about his kissing style so I kind of cut it short. He has been texting me since then...really nice stuff. Here's the thing, after leaving the site, I opened another account just to see if he was still logging on and he wasn't until the yesterday. He also put up his picture again. But he didn't go online today, instead he was sending loads of texts telling me how much he's into me & asking why I cut the kiss short! I told him it took me by surprise & I didn't feel comfortable kissing on the street. What do you think? Should I now move on? He has already texted me to tell me we're going out to celebrate his end of exams in one week time.

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