Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Would a huge number of asteroid collisions increase earth's gravity?

If the gravity of earth is mainly caused by the earth's m then would an increase in m via asteroid collision increase the strength of gravity? How much of a change in m would be needed to increase earth's gravity notably, such as to 1.5-2x as strong?

I have a son in the 4th grade and will not turn in his daily work nay suggestions?

My son will not turn in his daily work even though he can bring it home to finish in the afternoons. He does the work that he brings home and does it well but at school he does not complete it. He has lost his recess because of it and also been to after-school detention. I have taken the T.V., computer etc away nothing seems to work.

If i drink 4 beers will it be out of my system in 3 days?

well lets see i went to a friends house for new years and i have two beers in a 5 hours. then i stoped. but in between the two drinks i had about 15 drinks of water back to back. then i drank the last one and then went back to drinking water. then the next day i went over their and i have 4 more beers in a 4 hours span and i have a weak *** mix drink like one shot to 11 oz of oj. but here is the catch i have not drinkin a beer or anything in 17 months. so i was woundering if i would piss clean in three and one half days. in the three days i have been drinking alot of drinks of water, working out and things.

Do youlike american idol? do you like kelly clarkson? what about elliot yamin? others???

...It's a great show...and I hope it stays on TV for awhile...I love Kelly Clarkson and think she's a major talent and I also love Carrie Underwood....

How to make a guy look like Sodapop Curtis?

I love Sodapop Curtis and he's played by Rob Lowe in the movie The Outsiders. I will wish in the wishing star or anywhere else that Rob Lowe could be 18 years old again. And if that happen, me and my friend could makeover him as Sodapop Curtis and let him act as Sodapop Curtis so that he could be real. So, you guys who know how to makeover or make a guy look like Sodapop Curtis, can you please tell me?

Does the GOP now realize the American people know what their tactics are now, and now they have to?

You miss the point. The Republican Party considers most Republicans pawns and tools to be used and thrown away. They could care less if the truth gets out because they have the rank and file convinced that lies trump truth.

Celebrities e-mails,please!?

Hey there! I would be glad if someone of you can tell me,Amy Lee's e-mail,and Marion Cotillard's,too...Please if someone knows 'em tell 'em to me,please! I'm looking forward to someone's answer...

I`m wondering if all the publicity about Maddy is responsible for...?

Yes I agree, although at first you need all the publicity, it's gone too far. The parents need to take a back seat and so do the press then whoever has her, in time will think they've lost interest,They'll be lulled into thinking it's all gone quiet and they're off the hook.

Would you like to join me?

I agree my friend . i think the yahoo team should get their act together... they are very bias.. You can use the word ! ! but not the English name for a cat.. I think they have a closed mind and should open up more.. good luck with your quest

Tracy Chapman Never Yours Chords?

I really wanna play this song, but i can't find a tab/chords anwhere! Anyone know what they are? thank you!

Please help... all sporty fashion ppl!!!!! i need help!!!?

what should i wear that will match tan and light pink puma shoes??? I am going to track practice. 50 points to best answer!!

Should tourists go to Myanmar ? Will their influence gradually dilute the military dictatorship?

How effective have sanctions been in other countries, when they can simply turn East to escape their effect ?

Your thoughts on 'The Da Vinci Code' Book and film?

The mystery part of the book/movie was the best part...the theological "facts" he tries to use are erroneous and the main one that he introduced in the prologue/preface of the book was declared a fraud in the French courts back in the 1960s- which Dan Brown knew about and had subsequently ignored in any interviews given. So, thumbs up for the mystery, thumbs down for the theology.


Prepaid Insurance, Accounts Payable, and Property Tax Expense were each understated by $300Prepaid Insurance, Accounts Payable, and Property Tax Expense were each understated by $300

Help me plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz?

toby crossed a brown mouse with a white mouse. he discovered thet all of the baby mice were brown. what can you infer about the genotypes of the parent mice??

Lebanese man called me the N word?

today at the 7 eleven and then told me to get out of this country and go back to africa. a white man standing behind me told the lebanese man he's nothing but a try hard white who should return to his terrorist ways in baghdad. do most lebanese/arab people act like this and think they are white.

How do I calculate relative error for AP chemistry galvanized metal lab?

The relative error is equal to the real value minus the expected value, divided by the real value. To express as a percentage, multiply by 100.

Jeff hardy turning heel?[spoilers]?

I hope so, but i don't think they are going to turn jeff hardy, heel just months before becoming for the first time ever, the wwe champion..

If you had rectangular/banquet tables instead of round tables, how did you arrange them?

Our venue pushed two rectangular tables together to create larger tables. It worked out well in the rectangular-shaped space we were in. People were comfortable and could easily talk to one another, more so than you sometimes can at large round tables where you can hear only the person sitting on either side of you. Depending on how many people were seated at a table, some had people at the heads, others did not. We made our own centerpieces that were long and low so they filled up the middle of the table and accentuated that longer look. In the space we were in, it was much better than a bunch of smaller separated tables or large round ones. See what works in the space you have.

Does anyone know what happened to Dennis Rader?

im doing a project and i wanna know where hes at right now as in 2009..??? if you know please tell me. thank you(= ps Dennis Rader is the BTK Killer.

How does pork produce worms?

I've seen the video of the guy putting coke on a pork chop (Nasty but I watched anyways) I was just wondering why coke causes this and god why should I eat pork knowing it has worms.....I'm very weary of it now but do enjoy the occasional rib I just don't want to think I am eating worms.....

Fantasy Basketball Question: Who to trade?

My squad is a little handcuffed because I have three Warriors on my squad so if they don't have a game I cant have a full squad going. I want to move one of the three. I am in first place in my league with my best stat categories being rebounds, 3 ptm, blocks, and points. My worst are ft%, ists, and steals. I currently have a deal pending where I am trading Lamar Odom for Tony Parker to address some of my needs but I still want to move one of my warriors. My question is who do I move, Monta Ellis, David Lee, or Dorell Wright?

What should I get my boyfriend for Christmas?

My boyfriend and I are both 20 we will have been dating for nearly a year come Christmas. He is into video games, hunting and movies. The gifts that he has recieved that have ment the most to him are common things like shoes, wallet and a jacket. I am totaly lost on what to get him. I don't wnat to get him another video game he needs to focus on school and he rents movies more than he likes to own them. He is coming back from being at basic training from the army, this is our first Christmas together and I want it to be special. If you can think of ANYTHING please let me know!

My Idiotic friend made a bet on the Ravens Steelers game?

My friend Mick said that if the Ravens defense manages to severely injure Ben Roethlisberger on Sunday, I have to jump into his fozen ice cold swimming pool naked. If Roethlisberger stays healthy, he has to kiss his sister. He better buy some good chap stick.

Has anyone here ridden a calf?

my daughter and i trained a calf for riding and we have it trained to steer to some homemade reigns and they go out on rides around the farm and around the fields and pastures and i think calfs would be the perfect mount for kids. But i havnt ever heard of people training calves just cows. So has anyone here trained a calf for riding. Here is a couple of pictures of her getting ready for a ride

How do you do this chemistry homework 9th grade work?

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Viola Christmas Sheet Music?

Go to They will have whatever is available. I don't do notes, I read music and the material you are asking for is copyrighted. Best wishes.

What are some troubles teenagers in highs school face? (for my book)?

STDS. Abortion. ual Harment by teachers. Physical Threats. Stalkers. Drunk Driving accidents. suicides. being gay. drugs. smoking. gangs.

What is the probability for this geometry problem?

Rhonda was playing on an 8 square by 8 square checkerboard. She closed her eyes and dropped a pebble randomly onto the board. What is the probability that the pebble would land on one of the four center squares?

My moms making our family mugs?

Your mom sounds like a very generous friend. You could learn from her. It is her house and her guests...probably she buys the food too. There's nothing you can do about it.

How do i feel?

i have been with my bf for three years, and i think i love him, the thing is i just dont know if i do or not. i think he is gawjus but there is no erflies wen i c him nemore, i dont know if this is normal, our life has wilted in the last year or so and we are lucky if we do it 1 time a week. we hardly ever seem to be alone and wen we r our relationship is a lil better. it feels ;like we are best friends who ocationally have . i still look at other guys and think they are good looking and sometimes even fancy them. but wen i think about loosing him i just want to cry coz it wood be the end of my world, im just not sure if its coz i love him or he is my friend. we have quite alot of rows but always make up afterwards without realy sorting anything out. he says he loves me and i believe him but i think he feels the same way i do. i have been with him since i turned 15 and was in a violent relationship before that he rescued me from.if i loved him woodnt i no 4 sure that i did?

Whats one song you could listen to on repeat?

Distance-Christina Perri, Because it explains how everything I been through in the past few years. =)

I want bigger ?!?!?

Okay im fifteen and iam so depressed because of my size ialways use two bras to make them look bigger iam about a 32 B my mom says im fine but i am not happy iwant to feel the confidence ifeel when ihave two bras please help!! I feel that maybe my are a good size but i just devoloped you see so when iwas younger i got bullid a lot for being flat chested please help i just want to be happy and more confient wat should i dO or how can i make them loook bigger without wearing the two bras or gettin implants?!?!

Do Niccolo Machiavelli's political ideals stated in The Prince still apply today? Why or why not?

Well, Obama sure as hell ain't Machiavellian. He doesn't have what it takes to be a good leader for one thing, and for another, he's not diplomatically intelligent enough to pit two countries up against each other.

My computer is infected. The name of the virus is Win32:Agent-LNK Wrm.Please help?

U know that I've answered many of ur queries.But now I am in danger.MCAFFEE NORTON AVAST etc antiviruses, many anti spywares and anti rootkites has detected it,in C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\smtpdrv.sys , and deleted the file smtpdrv.sys successfully.But in the next system reboot whenever internet is connected the file came back.As a result many emails[spams] r send to different addresses, and my network usage is incrasing.The simplest of all answers is to format my pc,but believe me i am not in a condition to do that in which case i will lose many vaable data.Also my printer is printing the doent proprties like file name,path,owner,total editing time,time of printing etc. before printing the doent.Are both the problems interrelated?Please let me solve both problems by answering as quickly as possible.Otherwise it will be too!!!please........

Do you purchase items online?

im thinking about buying online (for the first time) but still abit wary. So my other question will be have you ever had any problems buying stuff online, like fraud??

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Are the Brit Awards 2011 being televised?

yeah they wer on viva yesterday you need to just cheak everynow and then on that channal coz it comes on alot.i think its 2011 one anyway

Are these song lyrics? If so what song? And what is the next line?

"was a teenage wedding & the old folks wished em well. 700 Lil records all rhythm & jazz. The old folks say U never can tell, they drove it down to orleans. U could see Pierre truly loved the madameoiselle."

Help with mail??? Thx 4 ur answers :)?

if I wrote an address like: 21479 Peterson Ave. Chicago, Il, 60411. To an address that is really: 21479 Peterson Ave. Sauk Village, Il, 60411. Will it still be delivered to the same house??

Conficker urgent help?

If you can not, by any means, download the software to clean your computer, then go ahead and reinstall the OS. Have you tried using a proxy to navigate to the security site?

Is it possible to use fertility awareness methods when you have a long cycle, of around 90 days?

what about a copper IUD? I think they still use them for women who can't take hormone birth control. Your hubby can always get a vasectomy if you don't want anymore children. Truthfully no man likes condoms, I know my husband hates them and complains they irritate him if worn for to long, but then I remind him that it is either a condom or 3 am feedings and diaper changes. Some how he always ends up picking the

Only 2 tonight, the 1st one?

following on from the uproar of calling a teddy bear mohammed, sooty has decided to cancel his tour of jamaica

Why is my mum being such a D*ck For?

if you are concerned about your hair, you could braid it and leave it overnight, or tie it into little buns and leave them overnight. i think if you tied your hair up for a few days it wouldnt hurt. about your mom though, she IS going through menopause, which can be depressing. just grind your teeth and bear with her. after she is better maybe you should talk to her. i know its easier for me to say this than for you to do it, but if you are going to have problems with her its better if you try to fix them.

My GF is on ZOLFT 50 MG & now she don't have a drive. Is there any meds that can get her back in the mood?

My girlfriend and I been together for about 2 years now and we had a child together about 6 months ago. We were fu@king like jack rabbits before my daughter was born. My girlfriend now suffers from depression and was thought to be post-pardem depression but was diagnosed by physician as mild depression. She was prescribed ZOLOFT 50 MG tablets and her mood is a lot better and mood swings are more mellow but does not have much of a drive anymore. I am uming it is partially from the side effects from the ZOLOFT and part of maybe some hormonal changes with childbirth. Is there any prescription drugs or dietary supplements that can help counteract the side effects and get her drive back up? Please help!!

How Can i tell if my best friend is bi? ( sorry d typing had 2 make it fit some how.)?

My best friend and i r really close we tell each other everyting, we've been thru thick and thin. However my oda friends told me dat 2 bcarful, wen i asked y dey said dat she is bi. Dey r nt sure bt dey told me dat d way she looks at me sells it out. I neva really noticed anyting suspicious, d only ting i noticed was dat she gts jealous wen i tlked 2 oda ppl &she wud watch dem really hard / she'd do somethin 2 win my attention bac/ she'd hug me wen dey left but i didnt tak it on i thought it was a norm besfrd i stil took wat my frds said in2 consideration. 1 day i noticed wat my friends wer saying but she neva noticed, i remembered wen seh came 2 spend sum days by me,d way she looked @ me really promiscuous/ sly wen i cam out of d shower i wanted 2 change my clothes. I neva change my clothes infront of her though. Is my besfrd bi? I wont eva abandon her if she is cuz we've been thru alot 2geda. Even if she is bi i'll accept it. I'm jus afraid to ask her if she is.

I have an essay to write in "MLA format". What does that mean?

I have to write an essay in MLA format. I don't know what that means because I, for some reason, have never learned it. My friends aren't doing a good job at helping me out on this one. Does anyone know? :) Thanks.


I think roger gave a very good answer, give hime the 10-points, or I will take them in a few days time.

Anyone interested in a 12 inch alligator gar?

anyone want a 12 inch alligator gar. ive had him since he was born and he only developed one eye. i feed him feeder fish and he eats about three a day. i just am moving out of my apartment and dont have anywhere to go with him for a while. any ideas?

How do i find an old friend?

My friend nikki hart lives in plymouth, and recently married saied parsons. She is on face book but have searched endlessly. Any suggestions?

Does he still like me after what had happened?

i have dis two guys,they're bestfriends... lets call them mr.1 and mr.2 .. mr.2 says dat his bestfriend really likes me.. but i didnt believe him .. we've been talking through text .. but suddenly something happened ..this is the senario .. my bf broke up with becoz of them(mr.1 and mr.2) i really love my bf .. i cant get over him .. then i ask mr.2 through tex .. that wat if i'm just using his bestfriend to get over my ex .. then he says he wont tell it to his besfriend if i'm gonna use him to get over my ex .. then after a few days .. mr.2 says that HE likes me.. then i say i like him either .. then while i am talking to mr.1 at ym .. he also says he really like me .. then he ask me who i like .. i said no one !! coz i dont want him to get hurt .. i used to talk to them both evryday through text and ym .. mr.2 ask me rude things .. then one day .. mr.1, mr.2 and me was in the library at lunch time .. then rebecca join us .. mr.2 and rebecca were teasing each other .. i'm really jelous that time .. i thought mr.2 likes bec .. then wheni got home .. i talk to mr.1 .. and i say to him that i like him .. and i also says that i like his bestfriend before ! after a few days mr.1 texted me and he says that his bestfriend said to him that i'm just using him to get over my ex .. i cleared it to him that i didnt said it like that .. that i didnt said that i am going to use .. i said to him dat i just asked his bestfriend .. then his bestfriend who is mr.2 reckon dat i'm a ***** .. and he hates me .. this past few days i texted him and he text me back .. he says "please stop texting me" .. but i still talk to mr.1 .. do u think mr.2 still like me, he's just playing too hard?or he doesnt like me anymore?

She wont leave me alone? :\?

She is still a baby herself so i sure she is finding it a bit confusing and being cling to you as she feel more secure. Please after this litter be responsible and get her spayed. Staffies and staffie crosses are the most common dogs in rescue and so many are killed ever year as they simple aren't enough homes and i sure you don't want to keep adding to that.

I dont know if its the thermometer or if its just me!! im so stressed..i really want that ball python!!!?

If you don't have a thermostat you definitely need one. You should never use a heat mat without one or you risk a serious burn. The heat mats are capable of getting up to 120 degrees. I don't like rheostats very much as they don't adjust to the temperatures around them. If the room gets up to 90 the heat mat should turn off, but a rheostat continues to give power to the mat. It doesn't recognize that it's already warm enough. Your hand is terrible for recognizing temperatures. The digital thermometer with the probe on the substrate under the hide for a correct temp.

Better to buy a top end AM2+ motherboard or a cheaper end AM3 card? will be more pleased with a quad core athlon then you will be with a lower end AMD product. I would go with the quad core athlon to save yourself from disappointment later.

My Sonnet to Emily inson is deleted for Violation! Why is it so?

Well I already commented on the poem so this time I'll comment on the question... In every ones life there is always some person whose sole purpose in life is to make those he has come in contact miserable. You have just met one of those highly unintelligent people by way of their actions.

My firends is eight weeks along...?

She has been wanting a baby for a very long time, and was super stoked when she found she was pregnant, she went for her first ultrasound yesturday and they could not find the heart beat, they saw the baby but said it only looked 6 weeks, but she is sure she is eight weeks along. I have experienced a friend that lost a baby finding out the same thing at 16 weeks, that the baby only looked 10 weeks, and had ped, Im wondering if anyone has experienced this where the baby had been ok, and maybe the ultrasound did not pick up the heart beat, i know it is a long shot, but my friend wont find out anything untill tuesday and Im super sad for her, and Im trying to find some way to give her hope, but i dont even think there is much, Anyone have any positive experiences they may be able to share?

I want to make a photo slideshow that can be presented to others...?

Simple, I want to make a photo slideshow that can be saved as a standalone file. People who get this file could play it. Freeware preferrably! Thanks

Who is good at playing the pick 3 Lotto?

I would like to win on the pick 3 more and if there was any good players. ( I been playing some numbers like LLH--238 or HHL--563 it use to work for me really good but now I can't hit anything please help)

How can i deter my dog from running after other dogs when off the lead?

My 1 yr old Border Terrier just legs it as soon as another dog comes into sight, and will not listen to any commands. He isnt a really bad dog, he usually does as he is told, but this is making life tough! He hasnt been neutered yet either...would this help?

BFP?? I am freaking out!!.......?

Saturday morning I got up early and took a first response HPT. One line was very dark and then there was a second line that was extremely faint (both pink). I atually only saw the dark like and thought I got my BFN AGAIN!...but then looked closer and saw the very faint second line. Am I pregnant and there's not a lot of pregnancy hormone yet? Or have I overlooked previous tests and the 2nd line is faint on all of them? What do you think!? I want it to be true sooo bad, but dont want to get my hopes up and set myself up for disappointment....

I wanna drink for the first time. What would you recommend?

As long as you're not doing it b/c of pressure from your friends or girlfriend, you have to decide if you want something sweet or not sweet, strong or weak. in my old age (i'm 28 :-) i've stopped drinking the hard liquor and getting more familiar w/ wine. try a nice sparkling dessert wine like moo d'asti. its sweet w/ just a tad of alcohol.

Whats the best type of snowboard for me- freestyle, freeride, or all mountain?

The best board for you would be All mountain or freestyle. For me freestyle is best because i can do tricks, jumps and rails easier.

What do you think of the name...?

It sounds very sophisticated. . . The more I think about it the more I like it. I think it's a good one!

I am really sick, any advice on getting better quickly?

i started out having a cold, and yesterday i woke up and i wasn't breathing properly. my mom said that i sound like i did when i had croup when i was younger, and she said it might be bronchitis. when i breath in i kind of sound like someone who has asthma. i have an extremely sore throat and i cant sleep properly. do i have croup? can teenagers get croup? i am 16, does anyone have any tips on getting over this sickness?!

What's the simplest way to get songs you just purchased from itunes onto your ipod nano?

I'm kinda computer illiterate so this is one of those "for dummies" questions. I'm not to good with the whole file this and paste that.

Monday, August 15, 2011

What is the best fare card for traveling in London?

My husband and I are going to the UK in May. I have been looking online for travel info and there's so much and it's pretty confusing- I want to narrow things down a bit. Basically, we need to get from Heath-row to Colchester, Es. For 3 days we'll need to go from Colchester to London (several stops in London) and back again, and the last 2 days, just gallivanting about London, and back to Heath-row. So - should I get the Oyster card, the travel card, or the Pay As You go? I got the impression that they're all a little different, and I'm not sure which one to get, and if I actually have to get it in advance or not.. I'm guessing we'll just take the Tube around in London, but we'll need to catch a bus or something from Heath-row to Colchester and from Colchester to London....Any help would be greatly appreciated!

So amazing! what martial art it is ? who know it ?

It's not a martial art per se. It's called Iron Shirt, a type of hardening and conditioning method that enables your body to withstand impact.

So i did somthing really dumb and immature i want to reinforce my apology?

so i want to bake him somthing..not anything really complicated just somthing simple and ((delicious..)) i dont know if he too much cares for choclate......somthing good somthing that a 17 year old would i work at mc nothing that we sale... :)

Could you be an indigo child?

I've known so many people who claimed they were an indigo child or had indigo children. A lot of this is because they are interested in the paranormal or had a purple aura as a child. The whole thing started when Nancy Ann Tappe started noticing children had an indigo aura and made a big deal about it. The problem is almost all children are born with an indigo aura. What this aura color means is they are more in touch with the spiritual side of things. As they get older this color normally fades out. Why? Because when you grow up you quit believing in magic and the wonders of the world. The only true indigo child is one who cares this color on in their aura into adulthood. Very few people I've met have indigo or purple in their auras. I'm yet to meet one adult who claim to be an indigo child and actually have the color in their aura. The rest of the claims about indigo child are common to most kids. For example one sign of an indigo child is a child who is hypersensitive. Most kids are this way and easily get their emotions hurt. Most will even cry when hurt emotionally. All the other claims for signs of an indigo child also seem to be common in kids even the claims of paranormal activities. Children have always been known to be better at paranormal or new age things. Why? Because kids don't have as much doubt as adults. If a grown up tells a kid they can move something with their minds or read other people's minds, they will believe it. And the first step in doing something is believing you can. So I think this whole thing is a bunch of bs. I do believe there are real indigo children out there, just not as much as people believe. I think they are special and few.

Why Pro Bowl is played before Super Bowl ?

It's being played before the Super Bowl because some "geniuses" thought it would be a good idea. No, the Saints and Colts players will not be playing in the Pro Bowl. There have been so many replacements on the Pro Bowl roster that it's really become a farce. For example, Matt Schaub is the starting quarterback for the AFC and David Garrard is an alternate! I heard that Garrard thought he was being lied to when he was told that he was going to the Pro Bowl. I wish he had been right...

Let fate take its own course? Does it mean that it is not time for you to understand yet?

There's just somethings that are already beyond our control. So you've got nothing to do with it then, just go with the flow.. How we deal with things we can't control determines our quality of life. Our character, perspectives and attitude will make us or break us.

New monster energy drink?

my friend said that there is a new monster endergy drink with like a falcon on it, what is this called?

Break dance question?

hey, im a 14 year old male in plymouthy machusetts. ive wanted to learn how to break dance for a long time, but ive been looking up where i could get cles, but i found no answers. does anybody know of any place near plymouth machusetts where i could take break dance cles? do i need to have any qualifications to sign up for it? i know its hard.

Internet Explorer 7 lockout blaster virus detected?

reinstalling IE7 would be your best choice, also modifying your firewall settings so it doesn't throw you another curveball again. Firefox is a decent alternative to IE, but only if your desperate to get away from IE7.

What are some good portrait tips?

What are some good ways to get natural looking portrait shots? A friend is turning in an acting resume, so needs some headshots and things like that, and I'll be his photographer. Anybody have experience on how to make them look fab? Help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you! :)

What's the best restaurant you've ever been to? AND...?

Is fine dining really better than a regular restaurant like Longhorns? The best I've had is Paula Dean's Lady & Son's. It was really good, but not as good as steak.

C-12 & C-13 are naturally-occurring isotopes of the element carbon.C-12 occurs 98.89% of the time and C-13?

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Is anyone else beginning to wonder why we have social services...?

They get so many calls from people with grudges against the parents (who aren't doing anything wrong), I'm sure it's hard to find enough people for every case, which unfortunately causes the real abuse to go unnoticed.

LGBT: Are these signs he likes me back?

OMG, he sounds so cute. It's a total yes, I'd say encourage him, but wait for him to make the first move. Just on the staring thing, try just walking past him (pretend not to see him) and then check if he turns around to watch you p. That's like the most obvious sign in the universe. But he totally likes you. Vibes are a good thing, too. Trust your gut instinct.

In a thesis paper, how do you write for a statistical treatment?

Thats very contextually broad, and if your doing a thesis, don't you know? Sounds more like economics than Social Sciences... lol... or do you mean literally throwing numbers at people and seeing which one provokes a reaction... interesting concept... your a genius! Though I imagine they would all hurt about the same since all numbers have a start point and an end point right. Based on this reasoning I would think 5 would hurt the most! This is of course an aggressive treatment. Now for a pive treatment I would say 6, 8 & 9. Of course I would prefer to be hit by 0 the most.

Are people right? Do I read very stranger books?

They're not exactly the same topics that I'm interested in reading but it's definately not weird, you just have a different taste

Burning bones in Supernatural?

Why, in SN, do they salt the bones before they burn them? I mean what's the point? You want to tell me that if they burn the bones without salting them the spirit would remain, and would never be able to get rid off?

Would this PC hardware go good together ?

>Really, that is not a bad motherboard for about $65...military grade is not bad. Yes, the parts will work together. Where is your RAM memory at? Don't forget cpu fan/heatsink and some thermal paste.

Need help choosing between these 2 pc desktops.?

Get the second one. The difference in the speed of the processor is almost nothing. One thing you didn't mention is how much memory expansion both offer. The one thing that popped out at me is the free upgrade to Win 7 and trust me, you'll want out of Vista and into 7 as soon as you can because Vista is just a frightening memory hog. That's a nice perk. Really when you get down to it, it's not the processing speed that really makes or breaks a computer but the memory allocation. The other nice thing about the second one is that it has 2X the drive space of the other one which means that even if you stretch your memory, you'll have much more disk swap space to make up the difference. I'd definitely go for the second one if it were me and I've been buying and sometimes building computers since the IBM PC. Also don't forget, if you do any graphics at all then you should see whether either or both have a PCI-X expansion slot for graphics.

How many miles is Colombia from the Philippines?

Bogota, the capital of Colombia, is 10,757 miles away from Manila, The Philippines (trans-Pacific distance).

Am I just a rebound or what?

i would give him time hun. If you both like each other than he will eventually be ready and be able to give you 100 percent of his attention. If you make him settle to quickly then you might be a rebound and regret it. They might get back together you never know. But wouldnt you rather wait then be a rebound object. Unles of course you just want some fun and just a fling you never know might turn into something big :) Be carefull and be safe :)

What is righteousness?

Upright, perfect, moral, right behaviour, justice,obedience,pure conduct,fairness, equal rights,straight and clean. What is the meaning of righteousness as stated in the bible? An accurate and exact meaning?God's righteousness?God's standard?

Stoich Question! HELP?

A total of 4.69mL of HCl (0.118M) was required to completely neutralize a 15.00mL aliquot of NaOH solution. If this aliquot was taken from a 250.0 mL flask, determine the m of NaOH that was used to prepare this original solution

Family movie theme night ideas....?

Haaaaaaa. I love the pork rind idea. lol Hmmm. How about eating icecream or sno-cones while watching Happy Feet, eating cat food while watching Lion King, (just kidding!), dressing up like dinosaurs to watch the land before time, and buying goat's milk for the kids to try and their favorite cheese while watching Heidi. Most kids have never tried goat's milk.

Favorite Songs That Tell A Story?

Big Star by Kenny Chesney. It's upbeat and tells a story of a young girl who was a nobody who became the next hottest artist. The video is okay and kind of goes with the song.

Why do I feel like this ?

washing dishes makes your yell?... i kinda feel the say way sometimes when i'm doing so much & its not being appreciated. but you haven't provided enough information for me to know whats wrong with you... ehhh feel better.

Who is better in your opinion and why: Orton or Christian? + NWA's 4th show results?

Christian.He's a good wrestler,has charisma,mic skills,and the best of all,doesn't have a problem putting people over.He's everything Randy Orton is not.

I got weird boy problems. Does he like me?

This guy in my homeroom is kinda mysterious. One time I had a prompt in homeroom, i finished after him so when he finished he started staring at me every like 10 seconds then looking away. After that i noticed that he was drawing a person! Guys doodle a lot, but he was covering the picture so i couldn't see it. I got creeped out, i'm not 100% positive that it was me. He looks at me every now and then, it is kind of a weird situation. Does he like me?????????

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Bob was walkin across a nylon carpet and touch a metal radiator he got an electric shock y?

the friction from him walking on a nylon carpet caused static electricity to build up when he touched the radiator it discharged through the radiator because it has a lower rate of resistance than his body


Use a word program such as MS Office Word or Word Perfect. You would type your text then insert the image and the text will "wrap" around the image automatically. Or do it manually with Photoshop or any other image editing program. "Gimp" is free. Do a google for it. If you do it with a word program you then need need to turn it into an image. Copy it to the clipboard via the "print screen" key. Then paste it into a photoediting program such as Photoshop or Gimp and then crop it/resize it to fit your space. Might be hard for a first timer.

My first love never dies?

my first love named dennis, i've never seen him 4 almost 2 years since we've move a place, but he is still in my mind, i cant forget him. i had his contact no. but i had no enough courage to say everything to him. and otherwise, even if i had one, i know he will ignore me. he already had a girlfriend now, and the hardest part of that, his new girlfriend is my bestfriend before named ella, ella always texted me about their relationship, and i cant do me plz....

I live in a condo that will not let me put a central air unit outside!?

i live in a condo that will not let me put a outside central air unit. i have a boiler so the central air does not have any ducts. what would be my best choice for a central air system?

Help proxy stuff plez!!!!!?

Proxy servers are dangerous to use and not something to rely on for security. You data will get stolen, sold and you computer infected with bots and trojans.

Whats the fastest way to lose weight!?

I heard the atkins diet was the fastest way to lose weight, deos anyone know if thats true or if there is any faster way to lose it?

Why doesn't Albert Pujols get more credit...?

outside of St. Louis? It seems like people are always talking about A-Rod or Manny Ramirez, etc. Since Pujols entered the Cardinals' lineup in April 2001, he ranks first in the majors in batting average, first in total bases, first in extra-base hits and second in homers, RBIs, slugging percentage and runs.

How do I tell my yellow teeth girlfriend to get her teeth cleaned?

It's tarter buildup and covers about half of her front teeth. She really needs to go to a dentist for just a typical cleaning. I would like to tell her in a way that it doesn't hurt her feelings.

Book deals trading llc uae?

I am planning to join the company but recently i heard about some poor job conditions in the company , pls give me some insight about this

Ladies, could you help me with my dressing dilemma?

I'll be attending a wedding in a couple weeks, and although I'm not in the wedding party, I'd still like to look my best. I'm wearing a black suit with a white dress shirt but I'm torn when it comes to the tie. I'd like a white tie such as this one a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a but I've been told it looks tacky with a black suit. My second choice would be this pink one a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a You'll have to scroll over the image in the links. I'm pretty illiterate when it comes to things like this. Thanks

Do you think MLB deliberately made the Yankees have the last home opener to showcase the new yard?

Maybe who knows but Honestly i am kind of Happy it is the 16 because that is when my Spring Break is and i have the Opportunity to watch so i am happy for that

Don't you think that had Egypt stayed a monarchy things would've been alot better?

You surely cant tell for sure.. but by the looks of things.. don't you think that the military coop that happend was just a mistake? maybe the *revolution* was carried out by people with good intentions, but don't you honestly think that it was executed horribly?

Is it easy to be hypnotized?

Being hypnotized is totally based upon your state of mind and your perceptions. If you go into the experience with an open mind and you truely believe it is possible, then you could probably be hypnotized. Me, on the otherhand, I don't believe in hypnotism, so I don't think it would work on me because I'm not receptive to it.

Which chemical recover iodine and starch from the black precipitate they form?

iodine and starch,when mixed,they formed a layer of black precipitate.Can we seperate them?Can we recover iodine and starch from the precipitate?

When will Britain return to being a constitutional monarchy?

I really don't like this president Elizabeth Windsor, all she does is sit there in her special presidential chair and do nothing except from attending the occional tea party and awards ceremony. She thinks she is so clever doesn't she, buying all that bling she has on. That family of hers act like they own the place too, they seem to think that they are all the president of Britain. I am sick to death of all of them and hope Britain demands a referendum to reintroduce Britain to the monarchy once again and get things back to normal. President Windsor can just go to the USA and join the republican party and be their president if she really wants to we just don't want her.

QB Dilemma which quaterback should I start?

Should I start Drew Brees against SF or Carson Palmer against Cleveland? I have a combo with TJ Houshmanzadeh but none for Brees?

Do you think the death of Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero has contributed to the WWE's "down fall"?

Not really. They easily replaced Benoit and Eddie with other wrestler into the top tier division. WWE actually has loads of talented wrestler that can easily replace to be the top tier wrestler. It's just a matter of WWE realizing how good they are to give them a push. A tragedy of many talented wrestlers in the ring that have either been released or stuck backstage for 20 years and counting while Cena does his 5-knuckle shuffle and that...running shoulder block thingy of his.. and becoming the icon of the WWE and pretty much a future hall of famer.

What could be some reasons for no l lubrication at age 20?

for the past year ive worried constantly because i can't get wet enough. it always hurts and lately especially i cant get wet at all. ive tried to look things up online but all of it is about menopause and im worried that ill never be able to fix this problem. i don't want to use lube, thats so embaring at my age. i need help!

Is what I have written a proper sonnet? And more, is it any good?

Yes, it's proper in all senses. You have the Shakespearean rhyme scheme, the meter is smooth, and you have a volta at the head of L9. It's a soulful piece, Henry. I feel it.

Good ways to loose love handles?

There is a new diet that I can advise you to have. After your morning walk, have a gl of milk. Eat something limited in every two hours. Control the quantity of your meals. Go to play, dance, gym or whatever that will give your body a little exercise. Sleep early and wake up early. Quit those pills. Hope this helps.

Where can I find a complete Roman Numeral ysis for Beethoven's pathetique?

I am looking for the score of the Adagio cantabile part and the roman numerals, and resolitions, non harmonic tone all included in it. Anyone Know a site I can find it on?

Should i just get a new motherboard?

I had two gigs of ram and all but 512 mb died. so now my machine is runnig on 512mb of ram and has an old outdated cpu. its a compaq presario sr1850nx. sohuld i just change out the motherboard and sell the machine? I was thinking of giving it a dual core processor and since it only takes micro atx boards, something with on board graphics. that way i can hook up all my extra hard drives to it and it would be a pretty decent machine maybe worth $500? what do you think? would i bebetter off just getting new ram and having an old machine or updating? I already have a desktop that had hdmi and a 3ghz dual core processor and a tb of memory so i dont really need it?

How do I know my turkey is totally thawed?

I forgot to thaw my turkey on time, so it's been in cold water all day. It's softer now, but how do I know when it's thawed in the middle? Should I leave it in water a little longer, or just go ahead and take it out?

I need a change of hair colour and style.?

Im coming up to year 9 in my school and i really want a change of colour and style to my hair. I have always wanted to go blonde, but i have thick dark eyebrows. My mum also doesnt like me dyeing my hair, she still wants me to be 5 years old! I recently had my hair cut into a bob, and i hate it, im hopefuly buying some real extentions soon, so please could someone help me on what colour and style to go for, many thanks, jess x

Instead of buying our Oil from the OPEC people - why don't we just start importing it?

from Iraq free of charge - to repay us for the Billions and Billions of our tax dollars that it has cost us to "Liberate" their freaking country?

Honest opinions on each of these names?

I think you should look up the names because names have meaning to them. don't just name them something you like right away. do research on it.

How can I get xp games to run on vista?

I have some real great games designed for xp sys. I want to locate patches to run them on my vista os.

Why is "Welfare" considered an entitlement?

Like just being born in the USA or even now "undoented citizens". If somebody works 40 hours a week, yes they are entitled to get paid for what they WORK for. How is that that somebody that is just here (legally or illegally) entitled to anything?, yes school (for the legals), an opportunity to succeed and be treated equal (not affirmative action). But not Welfare, Section 8, Free Medical, Food Stamps, Day care and on and on. These are not entitlements, these are give aways, taken from those that earned that and ped out to those that don't deserve anything, just because they live here and reproduce more. Yes some here need aid, but not a "life-style" for generations. Those on "Social Security" paid into that and deserve to get paid. No we can't toss them to the streets, but don't make it enticing to be worthless. Those able-bodied on welfare should be required to go to a Church, abandoned school, anywhere and just stay there for 40 hours a week to get anything, yes take their babies with them and just stand there for 40 hours...

I'm starting to REALLY like this guy that doesn't know me very well.?

He doesn't go to my high school, but I've known him for a while from cross country. At the new england championships in november we talked a bit and I began to like him, but then I didn't see him for a while and it went away. Then I saw him again today and I'm flat out infatuated! He barely knows me (and frankly I don't know him all too well), but he's hilarious and so cute and for some reason I'm starting to really like him! I don't have his screen name, email or cell number. What can I do to either 1) stop obsessing or 2) get to know him better without seeming weird and stalkerish.

Does this sound inapporpiate?

Sharing dreams is not inappropriate if you don't make the other person feel uncomfortable. I don't think your answer will do that. (Do you mean that you will sleep with her when you are camping? If so, then you might not mention that yet...)

Saturday, August 13, 2011

I recieved an email from Yahoo UK & Ireland saying that I`ve won 500,000 from Yahoo lottery I want to know?

I want to know if there is a Yahoo lotto and if so they said that I won 500,000 and to contact I just want to know if I won then how do I claim my winnings

I'm really confused i need help w/ science?

Actually, do to the amount of land needed for Corn production, Corn based fuels would be MORE damaging to the environment in the short run.

In a boiler, If fuel sprays into the fire box but it doesn't fire up is that an igniter problem?

Just clarifying for my husband. The pump turns on, the fuel sprays but theres no spark to light the fire. Also what could have caused the igniter to not spark or to break or whatever it is that happened to it? Any ideas? Thanks again.

Rate my Ancient Gear Deck?

Take out the Heavy Mech Support Platform and put in someting better like 7 Complete. Union monsters aren't very good because you have to summon them first. Put in some gadget monsters so you could use AG gadjiltron dragon's effect(s). 7/10

What to do in japan?

i am interested in good resturaunts, shopping (since tokyo is a fashion capitol) and maybe some cultural things. mostly fun lighthearted activitys, and walking away with some ssouveniers

Promiscuous questions to ask a guy =D ?

if you are old enough to ask, you're old enough to think of things to say. watch what you say, though. you can give the wrong impression.

Why do people who answer do this?

yes you do have every right to come here and voice your questions, concerns, and opinion and shouldn't be told to shut up I am a parent of 4 kids and wouldn't do that to anyone here espically if I felt that in anyway my answer or advice may help a young person out in any way it's not you or your question that is the problem but think of it this way the ones who tell you to quiet down have the problem they respond like that because more than likely you have hit a big nerve and they know that there kids may be thinking the same exact thing about them and they can only hope and pray that it's not being voiced on here they are afraid instead of reaching out to help

Are there other perfumes like French Connection uk?

I love the perfume French Connection UK (FCUK) and Perry Ellis F but I'm thinking of trying others like it. Does anyone know of any others like them?

Is she a freak or an experienced player ? I am so confused !!!!?

Oh thats cool holmes, I study Japanese, and yeah you're right bout that, in Japland, its "I like you" instead of "I love you" she seems like she has a thing 4 you. and maybe things arent going good w/ her bf so she is preparing to leave him but she might be scared to be alone so shes tryna get you to like her. Is she born in Japan? cuz it changes alot. alot of girls from japan are usually more shy, alot more shy, and american-jap girls seem to be the opposite like outgoing and that of the sort. duno if I helped but seems like she does like you holmes.

Directions for a Christmas advent/countdown calender?

I want to make a countdown calender for Christmas but I can't find directions to make one on google anywhere. I want to make it look nice not just drawn on paper...but it can be quite and a little cheesy with elves and Santa. But with baby Jesus too! So any ideas are welcome...thanks!

When you read a book?

Congratulations that you were actually able to read the Da Vinci Code up to the end. You see, Dan Brown is a lousy writer whom other people called a "plagiarist" and to tell you the truth I could not really read him through because he is so boring and well! he sucks. His book, "Angels and Demons" is full of inconsistencies and outright fictional lies and it is really a smear on the Papacy, as also the Da Vinci Code a smear on the Catholic Church. Dan Brown sucks. Oops! sorry, I just could not help it.

What are the best shoes for cross country (without spikes) and track, preferably made by puma for women?

puma wears out pretty fast. i prefer aasics, because they take 300 miles to wear down so it really cuts down costs.

Since allegations are never false, why aren't more men in prison?

“I’m really tired of people suggesting that you’re somehow un-American if you don’t respect the presumption of innocence, because you know what that sounds like to a victim? Presumption you’re a liar.” Wendy Murphy, former crimes prosecutor, now an adjunct professor at the New England School of Law in Boston. She appears frequently as a legal yst on CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, and other channels.

My goldfish are swimming around and opening their mouth really wide. It looks like they're gasping?

Okay, so i bought 2 black moor Goldfish and an orange gold fish but i don't know what kind it is, it has black spots on it. Well anyways. The 2 black moor goldfish seem normal until they're just swimming along and there mouth opens really wide, like they're gasping for air, and sometimes they'll stop swimming with their fins and lay sideways and then go back to swimming like nothing happened but when they swim they swim really fast and move around the fish tank like they're on speed or something. And i'm really worried about them, the water is well water, i filled the tank up under the faucet at my house, and there's little pink gravel i put in there, and i have a filter too. Their fish food is Tetra finn goldfish flakes, and i feed them once a day. I don't understand whats wrong with them... HELP!!!!

Science & Religion, Darwinism or Creationism?

I am a Christian with a heavy science background-Geology, Astronomy, Meteorology and Anthropology. When you combine the two you become a catastrophist(at least I did) this is another line of theory that explains much of the differences between evolution and uniformaterianism and Christianity and creationism.

Any Tips!!!!?

Conductors are notorious for "not liking what they hear" chances are it isn't your fault anyways. Band is a very challenging thing, to get several dozens of people to work in unity and expect them to all be on the same page- sometimes I think its to much. If your director is like mine, he is complaining because he wants you to be better, but chances are if your concert is a week away you are sounding great by now. If you are one of those nervous people when you perform in front of your conductors (I can only ever seem to be able to play well when no one else is listening) then try to think ( if you are br) on your next partial or (if you are woodwinds) the next s. If however, you really think its your own personal problem, then I'm afraid that practice is the only way to make it better. What I find that helps is practice for 15 min. on a really hard section, then go do something else and come back to it. It will give it time to sink in to your brain and if you are br your lips a break. Hope this helped! Good luck on your concert!

New Zealanders, how does that 9.0 earthquake feel?

He has already been proved wrong. Now he can go into hiding for a few years, come out again, and say the world will end in 2018 or somewhere close to that. Fortunately, he'll probably be dead by then, considering he's 89 now. He's delusional.

Why does going from indy to chigo the then to orlando cheaper then chicago to orlando?

maybe cause chicago is a huge hub for planes so more people will get on the plane from other places there which means the airlines saves money.

Do you think anyone will go 40-40 this year?

While reading your question i was thinking Hanley Ramirez actually could and Sizemore could definitely hit 40 but i dunno about steal 40.

She wont text me back... What does this mean?

Blaming your friends for your inability to actually TALK to this girl is a cop out. If you like her, you need to take a break from your friends once in a while and go and talk to the girl for real. Texting someone is not any sort of relationship. People can text when they are with other people, out on dates, with their family or watching TV, etc. If you want to know where you stand with a person you talk to them, for real and in person. The sooner you can do that, the sooner you will know whether this girl just likes you as a friend, or perhaps for more.

To any R&Sers who have seen the movie "Leap Year"?

I saw it and think it reinforced EVERY CONCEIVABLE Irish stereotype from the drunk paddy, the jigs n' reels, the really bad bog accent, the green, cows on the road, towns lifted straight from the 20s and the weird and prudish catholic couple....Is it just me or is it this type of movie prove to us that Americans view the rest of the world as a giant theme park??

Loser Jonas Brothers?

they were orginal called sons of jonas until columbia made them change their name. since they cant write worth a crap the record companys have given the top writers to "colaborate" with them such as adam schelsinger, michael mangini, desmond child, billy namm, steve greeberg. even with all that they where dropped by columbia in 2007 for having sucky album sales. then they where picked up by disney where they where manufactured into a pop band. does this make anyone else sick???

What is best for a pally with the new changes to wow?

ok im thinking that intellect might be a good thing now. but i have no idea what todo now i need help with my dps spec right now im only getting 3k from 8k befor the change. and also i can seem to keep aggro like i could befor. im just looking for tips maybe something new to stack on my gear. im stacking strength on dps and hit rating and stamina on my tank gear? any help would be nice

Coughing up blood help?

Coughing up blood is a symptom of some other problem. Unless the blood is hy or coming up in large enough amounts to cause a concern about blood loss, coughing up blood itself is not a health risk or cause for concern - its the underlying causes that might raise concern. The most common causes are bronchitis or bronchiectasis, which are known in your case. The docs have already ruled out most other potential problems and the CT scan will catch any remaining possible causes that can be readily detected. The docs do seem to be concerned about the cause of this since they are still looking for other possibilities.

Education or Sports?

Okay my question is do you think that in today's society sports in school are being considered more important than Intellect? I've noticed this Sports are the big thing in school. Wow look he's so good at sports!!! Then they look at the Intelligent person and act like his accomplishments don't matter. Isn't that dumb? I mean really.

Why did mot tester break the hand brake on my car? when all parts were new?

you can not get a job as an mot tester unless you work in a garage all ready and have the right qualifications so he must be a mechanic

Macbeth's Porter Scene?

What are some similarities between the tailor, the farmer and the equivocator to Macbeth? I mostly need help on the tailor I don't understand the meaning or what similarities it has with Macbeth?

Is Ana Ivanovic back?

It certainly seems like she hit her 'rock bottom' and is back on the rise. After not beating a Top 10 opponent in more than a year, she beats two in as many days. Her ball toss and service motion are still a little shaky, but she does seem to be hitting through the court much better. I don't think she can get a seeding for the French Open given her current ranking, which could make it difficult for her to progress. She could end up playing someone like Serena or Justine in the first couple of rounds; just depends on how the draw turns out. Hopefully her game is on the mend and she gets back to the top.

Muslims, I want your opinion on the following?

a href=""…/a

What law exactly can republican p in the congress?

In the house the democrats can do what the republican do, and filibuster any attempt to create a law, and the senate they can't do anything without democrats approval, so in fairness, whats with the republican arrogance? The democrats can do anything that republicans can do.

Who are the good guys in Golden Sun?

Ok, I'm confused, what just happened. Is Issac not the good guy or is he? Is it now Felix or what? HELP! Who is the good guy?

Were any POW in WW2,who were in africa,get fed to lions?

I recently heard a story about it,so if anybody can confirm or deny this please do.Please include details(Location)

3/14.27 - Physics Help Please! Acceleration on moon and earth.?

The acceleration due to gravity on the moon is 1.62m/s^2. What is the length of a pendulum whose period on the moon matches the period of a 1.80-m-long pendulum on the earth?

Friday, August 12, 2011

How do i treat a pin infection?

I had surgery on my toe a week ago and the doctors inserted a pin. This morning it had no signs of infection but i recently just woke up with a burning sensation in my toe and when I looked at it, the skin around it was pinkish red. I put some iodine on it but i dont really know what else to do at 4:15 in the morning.

Opinions on my Short Story?

Before losing conciousness, she opened her eyes in the murky waters and could barely make out the forms of the many bloated bodies of girls who had entered the lake before her.

It's a full scale attack!?

I'm being ambushed by every troll in sight! Why is it that every single week, I answer somebody's question with the most obscene, obnoxious and ist/racist slander imagined without being reported?! I mean, come on! This is P&S. Nobody takes this category serious anymore, do they? I will not rest until every single one of my future answers go unhindered! Who's with me?

My dogs legs were lke jello and he could not stand or walk then he threw up.What could be wrong with him?

Last night my 4yr old Yorkshire Terrier got up to walk and could not walk or stand.His legs were like jello. I was worried, I held him for about five minutes and when I layed him down he threw up and then seemed better. I am worried, has anyone else experienced this? Is there something wrong with him?

Osmosis, plant wilting?

If a plant is in an environment that is more saline (salty) than the plant itself then water will flow from the plant cells and into that environment. This causes the plant to lose water and ultimately the turgid nature of the cell thereby wilting, more technically experiencing plasmolysis.

Companys and credit ????????

Large, sensible companies will check your credit rating and determine whether you're a 'safe bet' and will only offer you a credit facility if they believe you are likely to pay it off. Smaller companies will take the chance that you'll pay them back if they offer you credit.

Need help with italian translation?

Leonardo da Vinci visse in Italia durante il Rinascimento. Nacque il 15 Aprile 1462 a Vinci, vicino a Firenze, da genitori molto poveri. Da Vinci era una persona molto intelligente ma anche attraente. Amava gli animali ed era vegetariano. Fu un grande artista, fin da bambino.

Two in one, tattoos and clothes. Help?

Navy blue shorts and I cant pick between a white shirt, bright blue shirt, black, or gray. Which one would look best? Also, im wanting a sleeve tattoo. How do you pick one? I have two tattoos already. this is what I was thinking about. a href=",r:0,s:0&tx=81&ty=41" rel="nofollow"…/a

New brakes for imported honda prelude?

the brake parts on the Si-R are the same as the VTI on all models of honda's its just mainly engine and body trim that differ hope this helps

What exercise video do you recommend for a person trying to lose weight, and tone up all over?

There are so many kinds out there. I would love something fun, like dancing or kickboxing or something, but I want to make sure it is ok for beginners, and that it targets the areas I woud like it to target. I am in-between skinny, and chubby, and could stand to lose 20 lbs...Most of my fat is in my stomach and thigh areas. Can you recommend any specific videos you may have tried, or heard about?

Need help with biology homework?

The gene for yellow body color is XY(y-superscript) in drosophila is recessive and -linked. Its dominant allele produces wild type body color. What phenotypic ratios are expected from the crosses (a) yellow male X yellow female (b) yellow female X wild male (c) zygous wild female X yellow male (d) heterozygous female X yellow male.

What should I do when my parents aren't willing to help me and shut me down (serious)?

please talk to someone (like your therapist perhaps, or maybe a horse) about your issues. It sounds to me like you have some major issues and talking about them generally helps. The other person doesn't need to be human, just a good listener. Hell, I tell my cat my issues all the time and it actually helps. Also, don't hate yourself, because chances are you are a great person and shouldn't beat yourself up about **** that was forced in your mind when you were a little tiny child person. You're better than that.

If you want to accept Christ as Savior and turn from your sins, you can ask Him to be your Savior and Lord.?

If you pray this prayer with all your heart you will be saved. May God bless your desire to know Him more. Welcome to the family of God! :)))))

Is it time for the Cubbies to say goodbye to Kerry Wood?

He reminds me of LaTroy Hawkins as our closer. The only place I'd even consider using him now is in middle relief.

What should I do about my friend?

It sounds like he's let things go to his head a little too much & in doing it, he's not being fair to you. You befriended him when he had no one, now he has a couple friends so he no longer needs you. Nice friend! OR is he really a "friend of convenience" instead. But you just happen to be good enuf when you happen to have a book he needs. I'd say he's using you. Who really needs a "friend" like that anyway. So he just happens to need another book you have? Well, I'd FIRST get the book back that he has, then the book he needs just conveniently just happens to not be available. You do not have to tell him why, you don't owe him an explination, it's just not available. Somehow too I'd tell him he needs an attitude adjustment. He use to be someone you liked, had fun with & enjoyed hanging around with. Now all of a sudden he's changed, & the change doesn't do him justice, it's making a jerk out of him. You tho't he was your friend, now you're beginning to wonder who this new person is. He sure isn't like the old one you once knew & liked. He's not afraid to talk to you & tell you like it is, be the same way back to him. I'd let him know how much you miss the "friend" you use to have, wish you knew what happened to him, but his replacement sure isn't anything like the one you use to know. You're just hoping one day he'll suddenly return back to the likeable person he use to be. The one he is now sure isn't becoming to you. I'd also let him know you sure were good enuf when he didn't have a friend in the world, but sadly that person is gone. Give him some good food for thought, but don't let him use you. That's just plain not fair. Good luck to you...:)

Help with Gunning-fog index?

Average words per sentence doesn't change but the number of words with three syllables will need to be halved.

Value of beethoven lp records?

We are two professional clical musicians in NY who have put together an *artistically* impressive collection of vinyl, from the 60s to 80s - at which point, we starting collecting THOUSANDS of CDs. We decided last month to sell our vinyl, to make room for more CDs. We databased everything, and are finding that there are a few dozen that collectors will cherry-pick - and the rest will more than likely be sold be the foot. Really - by the foot. That means that performances that will NEVER be heard again, by incredible artists, will go for 25 cents a disc. The cherry-picked are going for 3 bucks or less. I bought an ION turntable, and will transfer some of these - but the task is huge, and I have a professional life to maintain, so very little will get done. It is a sin - but it is the truth. Yes, we have a Sgt. Pepper in excellent condition (bought 2, one to play, one to save) so that will go for more. . . . and over 600 will go for a pittance. Your Beethoven records? They may never sell - ever - unless you want that 25 cents.

What Are Your Reviews Or Ratings For Each Of The Matches?

You idiot! The Colons didn't fight Miz and Morrison and the best match was HBK vs Taker which was a 10/10.

Why is it, when i wear a Tshirt with a picture of Josef Stalin on it?

So, you were a Stalin shirt.....why? Oh wait, does it prove your postmodern mentality? You know, if genocide worked for Stalin then that's ok, becuse it worked for him. Morality is relative. Personally, I think the answer to your question is obvious. WWII is a major part of our cultural heritage and most school children know about the Holocaust and Hitler's Nazi regime. Stalin, well, he was It's kind of like Martin Luther King Jr. Everyone sees him as a great hero of the Civil Rights, and he was, but many black people back then saw him as an ideological dreamer who didn't actually get anything done. Why don't you educate people if you're so sensitive?

Got a positive Test today?

i am sure the test is correct. i got my bfp today and it is only one day after my expected period. me and my husband have only been trying for one month also. weird that all of our info is the same. we already have 3 boys ages 5, 3, 1. i am still going to take another test tomorrow.(to make sure.) congrats. looks like our babies will be due around the same day. best of luck!!! keep me posted!

What is the name and last name of chinese guy in twilight?

the guy the one that says to her "im the eyes and ears of this skool" when she first comes to her new skool in forks. He has black hair. And he is chinese. The one that goes to prom with Angela Weber

How do you write a statistical report?

I have to write a statistical report for my math cl and I have two questions regarding the paper. The first one is how would i go about making a statistic report, is there a certain structure or layout that I need to know? Also I know I want to do the report on New York Met baseball and compare home runs to batting stance, so how would I phrase that properly for my title to make it sound professional? If you can help out I deeply appreciate it.

Metaphor and simile in "like water for chocolate"?

can i get a simile and metaphor and the page number of each IN THE CHAPTER JULY in like "water like chocolate"?

Hazing,what kind of information and statistics are there on the issue?

doing a school debate on the matter im against it any information will be much appreciated thank you =)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Would this make a girl loose all ual interest in you?

tell me if your out the first time with this girl and you two express you are having fun with each other but when she starts doing things like sharing a small chair with you making it so your sitting so close that her legs and body is brushing up against yours and you dont reciprocate because it seems promiscuous because its the first time you have ever been with each other. you just met at the dc once before and talked for 2 hours then exchanged numbers. will that make her automatically loose interest and just think of you as a friend or if she was actually interested would you have more then one chance?

What can we the American people do to voice to our Commander in Chief of what our soldiers need?

Millions of us have stood before DC and through out America to be heard when our liberties felt threatened. We have been falsely lied about through mive bad journalists and by our elected officials, we have been called Astro turf, nut jobs hicks racists. We have been smeared because of our freedom to think differently. Some of Obama's elects want to shut down conservative radio talk shows because they are not in step with what they believe, some do not want us to bear arms. Last Nov. election was an awakening for some of those elects because they heard us when we casts our votes. Hopefully the Commander in Chief will listen to the majority now. What is it that our troops would like for us to stand up for to be heard on their behalf? This may be a good time to let the people send that message to our commander in chief. Tea Parties are citizens who simply believe in fiscal responsibility, limited govt., and free markets and we support those that support that regardless of party. We support our troops, because they are the real backbone that make this country great. I have seen many who served our country speak at these events, who has given an insight of what you troops go through. I have seen great patriotism and pion when it comes to our troops from the teaparty. You may not believe in what we believe, but we still support and love our troops. Again, what would you like for the citizens to do to help you to be heard at our rallies?

Is it wrong that I am upset about how The Rock has changed?

You’re not alone in the way you feel, whether we admit or not many of us selfishly hold a grudge against The Rock. For me, when I think of The Rock I think of Wrestlemania 18: Rock vs Hollywood Hulk Hogan. To beat Hogan, the biggest legend in wrestling history, at the grandest show of all no less, showed us all that The Rock was THE man and the future of all professional wrestling. The faith that WWE put in him was off the chart, superstar after superstar made to fall to The Rock… he was on top of the world and it was only just the start. But it wasn’t to be, Hollywood came calling with a bag full of money and “Dwayne” said yes please. If Chris Jericho, HHH or Kurt Angle were put in the same position do you think they would do the same? No, because they LOVE the business and put it above any other form of entertainment. For them, it’s a lifestyle, for Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, it was a stepping stone.

Help!! I am starting 14+ weeks of bedrest... I need ideas of things to do from the couch!?

Listen to music, make phone calls - chat, make something outa craft set, write poems. Read book's/magazines.

How long can a person live with Stage 4 cancer, from cancer that metastasized to the bone?

My mom has a stage 4 cancer. She found out she has cancer stage 1, 8 years ago. Around year 2000. Then this year her cancer has metastasized to the bone on her chest. And is now stage 4. Does anyone now if my mom can still live a long life? I'm really saddened by this but i'm making the most of every day i spend with her.

I have a fear aggressive Pit Bull/ American Bulldog?

My bully breed dog is 6 months old and has had moderate socialization, but obviously not enough because he growls at strangers and strange dogs. He is fine with my family and a few friends and their dogs, and I also have three other dogs in which he gets along great with. However, I live in a small town, and people to introduce him to are limited. I took him to the doggy park at 12 weeks and he was fine and played with the other dogs, but then they kicked us out because he was supposed to be at least 16 weeks to be in there, then when I came back he hadn't had dog socialization for that whole month and he was growling at everything. And he even went to a church banquet with me and was fine, being pet by kids and everyone. But like i said, things to do where I am are limited, and when I take him for walks around the neighborhood or park, we rarely even see people. I was surprised to see 2 people on my last walk. And I walk for 30-45 minutes and several blocks in a residential area. When he sees someone he just sits down and looks at them and back to me, and if they get within 5 feet or so, he hides behind me and the growling begins. So, I recently started a dog cl and at the second cl he is fine unless someone gets within 5 feet of him, then he growls. The trainer says she doesn't know if he can ever be a normal dog. Today was the second cl and she approached him and after 5 minutes of coaxing him he finally took a treat from her and she said 'good boy' then she turned around and he barked and lunged at her. It was scary for me and the others in the cl were stunned. I want to know if he could ever be a normal dog and accept strangers, both humans and dogs, or if I'll have to keep him away from strangers for risk of biting, or even worse... put him down. Can someone help me?

How do i approach her....again ?

theres this girl that iam completley infatuated by, i approached her a couple weeks ago and got to know a little bit about her, we chatted bout school and things like that, so she asked for my email address cuz she said she might need help wit a particular ignment, its been a week and no email, i see her tommorow and i was wondering if i should approach her again and if so whats the first thing i should say, or should i parlay for a bit and stay out of her way, i also want her number but i dont kno how to ask for that either...thanks

Did Raheem Morris put a huge target on the Bucs?

When he said "We're the best team in the NFC. That's right I said it, the best team in the NFC"

What do you think of my poem?

I like it, but I'm having trouble understanding it. If you put a little more structure in there and made it slightly more organized, then I think it's be perfect. If you decide to edit it, send me the revised copy! Good Luck and I hope I helped.

My computer has some problems...?

Best is to format your PC.A total heal to all computer problems.It can be the case of virus too.Upgrade ur antivirus at least once a week

Do you know any other thing about Kahlil Gibran and if he reincarnated or what?

you know Kahlil Gibran the lebanese writer and poet (and who happens to have a good resemblance with Lord Byron) I am just wondering if he also a mystic of some kind.. I also wonder if he re incarnated and who knows about this

What is the population and geographic area of Los Angeles?

Specifically I am looking for the information concerning the area that the Los Angeles Mayor's Office has control over. I tried looking up that information on the US Census Bureau but their information includes data on other cities in the Los Angeles county that are considered to be part of the Los Angeles metropolitan area but are other cities which have their own city hall and municipal code such as Glendale or Burbank. In contrast, most cities in the San Fernando Valley such as Arleta or Van Nuys do not have their own city hall and have their laws come from the City of Los Angeles city hall.

I got a RB dilemma for week 9?

I play in a standard yahoo league. I'm 4-4. LT is on a bye. So I need to pick 2 rb's from these: Chris Johnson(vs GB), Matt Forte(vs Det), Earnest Graham(vs KC). I'm certainly putting in Forte. I'm not sure who should be #2. Johnson is a monster and GB is not good against the run, but White steals his TDs. KC is last against the run and Dunn is most likely out, but Graham hasn't topped 100 yds this year. Who should I play? Why?

Besides Macbeth and Oedipus, who is a tragic hero?

Agamemnon, Jason (from Medea), Orestes, Antigone, Dr. Faustus, Ahab (from Moby ). There are about forty Greek tragedies that have survived, each of those has a tragic hero. I've mentioned a few of them. Besides Shakespeare several other playwrights wrote tragedies during the Elizabethan period. Dr. Faustus was possibly the best known.

To freeze or not to freeze?

I'm planning on baking my aunt a cake for her birthday tonight. I'm going out of town all day tomorrow, and I'm giving her the cake Sunday. Should I freeze the cake tonight after it's cooled, and take it out Saturday night to thaw? Or should I just bake it tonight and leave it covered at room temperature until Sunday when I can decorate it? Thanks.

LSD - Questions?

i tried it when i was 16 the first time. it was called purple windowpane and it was a horrible experience. i was stupid enough to try other variations of LSD until i was 19. i am now 42 and the only self awareness received out of it was... being an idiot.

Author of 1970s/1980s series of novels about animal hunting brothers?

I'm trying to track down the author of a series of novels (possibly teenage focused) from the 1970s/1980s. They feature a pair of brothers who search the world for exotic animals to house in their fathers zoo/animal park. Typically each novel is centered around one geographic location such as the Amazon or Kenya. Unfortunately I can't even remember the names of any of the books. Does anyone have any idea who the author might be?

Does Cindy McCain's past drug habits threaten the safety of the White House if John McCain was elected?

No, not any more than Bush's former addiction and alcoholism threatened the safety of the WH. In any event, it's a moot point since McCain will be staying in the Senate.

Can someone help me do a work cited page in mla format?

if anyone wants to do it for me pleaseee:] i really need help i wil send you every website thre eis like only 3

What are good ab and workouts on a swiss ball?

im 5`9 170 .. i have the right size i love being curvy and full figured...but i really want to get toned and feel more comfortable and be able to wear all the clothes i want without wrrying about a lil fab here and so if u guys know any good exercises on the swiss ball please let me know!

How does Modern day Aztec look like right now?

Yeah you answered your own question basically heh. However, many of today's Mexicans are a blend of those Amerindians (btw not all were Aztecs as there were also Mayans, Olmecs, Zapotecs, etc.) and the Spaniards and other Europeans. The average Mexican mestizo is said to be genetically a bit more Amerindian than European, but you can see many evenly blended mestizos as well as mestizos with more European ancestry in northern Mexico. Many there are lighter-skinned, hairier, with longer faces, and often wavy hair, and some even have lighter hair and eyes.

America's PHInest College Part Costume Ideas?

I'm in Pi Phi and our party theme is America's PHInest... you can wear ANYTHING having to do with america.... i want some bad ace ideas!!!

Why did Allah revealed this verse?

You should not have them as your friend. Else, both of you will be at the same place in the next world - after death. Read more, you will get this too.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What are the black and red locusts that plague central alabama and how can one get rid of them?

i'm looking to purchase a home located in central alabama. unfortunately, this area is plagued with locusts all summer long. they are large and black with a red or yellow stripe that runs along the length of their body. they are hideous and destructive. their nickname is "lubber." does anyone know what they are and how they can be destroyed or deterred from one's yard?

If a man says to you "Aww your so sweet" does he like you or not?

ok so I've been dating this man for the past 2 months and don't get me wrong he's kind, respectful, commited, the only problem is that I don't think he really loves me he's told me he loves me. He's told me he does a couple of times but I feel it was only because he was infatuated. He also doesn't try to contact me I have to contact him. But whenever I say somthing to flirt or just flatter him he always replies with "Aww your sweet" or "Aww your too kind" now don't get mad at me for saying this but do you think he really like me or is just playing, or is he

If conservatives didn't want John McCain to be president then WHO?

The liberal media helped John Mccain get nominated. They supported him till he was nominated then stabbed him in the back, Because they knew he was the weakest one running. Like when the debates were going on, Mccain and Romney got about 30 minutes each to answer questions while Huckabee got around seven.The problem Obama has is the media made him. If they ever turn on him they can break him.And they could only keep the public blind to who he is just so long. Then he got in the white house and started opening his mouth. That is why he has slipped in the polls.

I want to know about Chex Systems dings and their affect on current bank accounts?

I have a ding on my Chex Systems report for NSF and overdrafts at Wells Fargo. This account was sent to collections and I need to make payments... However, they are asking for payments way out of my "payable" range... so I can't do the full amount they are asking me for. They told me that I should get it paid off soon or else my current bank (Chase) could run a Chex Systems report and find that ding and proceed to put a hold on the funds in my account with them... is this true or is the collections agency just fear mongering?

Do you think it would be a good idea to start giving men a sceptre when they get married?

As many of you know the jewelry and diamond industries years ago marketed the "diamond engagement ring" as a "must have" item and now in America it is almost universal that when a man asks a woman to marry him, he presents her with a diamond ring. Well, I have a new idea that could be the makings of a fine tradition in the future. I suggest that when men get married they receive a 6 foot gold plated sceptre with a crown or some decorative ornament on top of it symbolizing their authority (over the wife, and later children) in the marriage. Sceptres, have long been established in many cultures as a symbol of authority with kings, priests, and even certain generals (romans) would receive them. With this idea, every man could 'be a king of his castle'. Plus, it might create a new sceptre manufacturing industry. However, the only thing left to figure out is who would be paying for it. I suggest an offering be taken up at the bachelor party. If a 6 foot sceptre can't be bought, then

High School Musical POLL: Zac Efron, Ashley Tisdale , or Vanessa Hudgens ?

vannesa hudgens and ashley tisdale...but i kinda like ashley tisdale more cuz shes actually pretty cool in real life...

Anyone late ovulaters?

For those of you who ovulated late (cd 17-20), when did you get your bfp? I ovulated on June 5 or 6 (cd 18 or 19) and I am 11dpo and still getting bfn. Very frustrated.

Economics Help???

2 is false. Millions starved under both totalitarian regimes. Their lives didn't get any better they just built more weapons. The soviets were notorious for their bread lines.

My employer wants to pay me minimum wage because i havent worked thru 90 days but i am giving a notice. ???

If you walk, collecting unemployment will be a battle, you can contact them though to see if you can fight for the rest of your pay, but for two weeks pay it really isnt gonna be worth the battle, i would move on to the next company and let it go

How can I seriously clear my mind?

you cnt too my knowledge. just do some of your work and when you find your not focusing, take a break and then start back over in about 10-15 minutes. you may have too take 4-5 breaks.

Popular Music Question?

I got into a debate last night with a friend about the most popular band/rapper/singer in the world. He said it was Coldplay, however I wasn't convinced. I thought it was maybe U2, Red Hot Chili Peppers, or maybe even Lil Wayne. Does anybody know, based on record sales who is the most popular? If you could post a link that would be great to. Remember international not just the US. Thanks

ination of JFK- reinvestigated.?

Why, nearly 45 years after the incident is it still such a hot topic of debate? Both parties are dead, end of story.

So why do guys kiss a girl then ignore her? even after they have been hanging out every weekend for 4 months?

So there is this guy we have always been family friends but never really hung out....well after this past christmas break in january of '09 we start hanging out....and we have hung out every weekend since then and we text each other almost everyday....nothing ever happened between us cuz its always been a just friend thing (even though i have had some feeling for him and i never knew how he felt cuz he never shows any emotion) well last week he came over to sign some papers for my dad and after leavin for the 1st time he txt and complements me saying "u looked cute!" then this weekend we went to a friend of mines bday party and he holds my hand when we leave walkin to the car, and when he drops me off at my car we kiss....and that night he texts me "u are delicious".....but now he is kinda ignoring me? wat is up with this?

Child support and power of attorney?

My ex-husband has been ordered to pay child support on our daughter through the divorce. He was given no visitation rights due to his recent legal woes. He was arrested again recently for an indefinite amount of time. He asked his mother to be his power of attorney. Will this mean HE is still responsible for his bills/ the child support or does that mean his mother is now responsible. Also, is there a way to get child support from somebody if they are incarcerated?

My mommy irritates me, why does she do it ?

my mommy has always been a slim lady, as i grew up i realized that she controls her diet a lot and maintains.... i used to be an obese child esp due to overeating and inactivity.... as i went to college, i had to be active and started controlling my diet, so i reduced to a very small size .... my mother always used to tell me that i have 'huge bones' and a 'huge body' and that i will never reduce to a tiny size but when i got conscious, i became very very slim and people used to praise me for my size zero .... obviously it surprised my mommy .... and these days i have started gaining some weight, am on the healthier side and ofcourse i want to share my woes with my momy so... if i tell her, mom i am gaining weight .... she is so quick to retort saying 'if u don't eat for sooooo long and suddenly eat, then you will obviously gain a lot of weight' and she keeps telling it to me all the time ... the fact is that i am a regular eater, and eat along with her whenever am home .... i just skip dinner sometimes and don't diet much but she keeps blaming me loudly of not eating enough and gaining weight due to sudden eating .... i feel so disturbed by this misrepresentation of my habits by her which she makes sure to publicise infront of other people .... i don't know whats wrong with her but it pisses me off a lot...

I am looking for the best option for a laptop computer that will support Auto cad, Any Ideas?

Most laptops support AutoCAD. You might need extra memory, anything over 80gb hard drive and 1gb RAM should be good.

Why do I keep waking up coughing and throwing up?

The throwing up may be caused by fluid build-up in your lungs. (Pneumonia) I have asthma, and often, when I am extremely congested, it can lead to me vomiting. My question for you is.... Orange Juice? I can't stand the stuff. It closes my throat and makes it more difficult for me to breathe. Add a little barfing to that, and you're barfing up almost pure acid.... really not good for you. If it helps ease your pain, try diluting it some before you drink it. If it continues, please see a doctor or respiratory therapist.

Is Nandos(UK) haram? CONFIRMED?

Those poor chickens, gosh, they electrocute them? That's horrible. Chickens have feelings too. I hate it when animals are mistreated, it makes me sad. It almost makes me want to become a vegetarian. Almost.

What song is this from? i think it's like mcr, but idk .?

" I just wanted you to know, I think about you everynight when I fall asleep, you are in my dreams. Just like in a movie, the one you want to see, with a happy ending" please help me find the artist that wrote this song.

European History?

Looking at the situation somewhat from the reverse, I think a primary reason the English Parliament gained power and the French monarchy strengthened its own had to do with the relationship between the monarch and religion. As has been said before, France was a predominantly Catholic nation ruled by a conspicuously Catholic sovereign. Henry IV converted from Protestantism to Catholicism before he was enthroned in order to make himself acceptable to the people. His son Louis XIII and grandson Louis XIV were brought up as Catholics, supported in their authority by strong support from (and significant domination of) the Church within France. In England, James I was brought in from Scotland, the son of the Catholic Mary, Queen of Scots, who was beheaded for treason, to succeed Elizabeth I, who had beheaded her. He publicly espoused the Church of England, which was a requirement for being king, but many of the people of England who had become staunch Anglicans were uncertain of his true feelings. Although he wished to exercise full authority as king, he could only find funds by appealing to Parliament, so it did ert itself. His son, Charles I, was deposed and executed largely for flouting the authority of Parliament. Charles II, when restored to power, was aware of the power Parliament exercised and the dangers of displeasing it. When he died without legitimate heir, his brother, James II, came to the throne with a Catholic second wife and the prospect of future Catholic heirs. He was deposed and replaced by his daughter and his son in law, Mary II and William III, who exercised significant power but still gave respect to Parliamentary authority. From even before the execution of Charles I, absolute power was impractical; After the Glorious Revolution which deposed James II, it was impossible.

Do you have to abide by Sharia Law in order to be a Muslim?

Sharia is not just about criminal punishments. It's also about how we pray, eat and drink. It's only for Muslims. Sharia Law can only be applied on an islamic state. There is no islamic state in current ties, only countries that claim they are. As a Muslim we are taught to abide by the laws of the lands we live in UNLESS it does not allow us to practise our religion.

Gwen's hair. Any proffesionals out there?

Her hair is probably healthy, since she only has her hair blonde she probably only ever has her roots done, and in that video she may have died it brown or it might be a wig.. But either way it looks healthy so i dont think its that damaged :)

Cloudy fish tank question?

i have a ten gallon fish tank with about 5 fish in it and its getting very cloudy but i don't know why. i have a tetra micro filter in it to keep the tank clean but its not that it normal for it to get foggy like that ?

Starting a community tank; is this a good combination?

I know about establishing the tank, letting it run and about the nitrogen cycles and ammonia. However, I'm starting a 20 gallon tank and I want to know if anyone knows if these fish will get along... If I got 3 Neon Tetra's, 2 Dalmation Molly's, and 3 Guppy's, would they live well together? And if so, could I throw an African Dwarf Frog in there in a few months? Just wondering... Never mixed fish species before lol.

What do you think the Yamster's favorite category is?

or any of the other Yahoo! Answers moderators? I wonder what subjects or categories they like the most.

What is the most powerful data recovery software?

It all depends on what level of format was done on the drive. It is very tough to say which recovery software is going to work. Most software companies offer a free trial for their software; start there and if it finds anything, buy it and get your data back.

Hath not an Iraqi eyes? If you prick them, do they not bleed? And if you wrong them, do they not revenge?

when i was in iraq the iraqies i worked with were very happy i and the rest of the US military was there.

How can I make my room less boring?

Hey, put a some posters of your favorite singer,actor,bands,..on your wall, and dont make your room is to clean,beacuse it will be boring, or add some of your favorite stuff on desk or something.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What happened after the 2nd episode of season 7?

I am a gilmore girl fan and am upsessed with watching it but, since it switched to CW i haven't been able to keep up with it because i have soccer practice. Please!!! Help!!!

A question for creationists who are hostile towards evolution?

did you know that evolution/natural selection is the opposite of "chance". there's nothing random about natural selection. its like creationism but in a cheap tuxedo and all true naturalists know this.

What is this song. All help appreciated. Slow Motion.?

Ok. Ive heard this song dozens of times and once I have heard that beethoven had composed it but im not sure. The song is usually played during a slow motion scene. During some part of this clical song it goes ah ah ah ah. It sounds like it would match a greek theme. The voices making the sound, sound high pitched and almost femine. If anyone can help me out with this song I would be appreciated

Travelling to Malaysia from Australia?

Aussie dollars can be changed in any bank or money changer. Money changers usually offer better rates for small sums. Keep the ATM card somewhere safe in case of emergencies.

How do you like my new southern rhyme...look no cursing?

This aint a gimmick...this is clical..Eurythmic...murdered emcees at 16 got aquitted...submitted through correspondence your non-sence I'm non-responsive my conscience leads me to conquer and rule...hip hop that chrome tool...spittin those ghetto rythms thats breakin minds out of prisons no shallow living no poisonous television just lyricism...peep the precision while swinging my Hanzo sword...slicing through vocal cords...blood pathagens on the floor...explore.. the paradox thats flooding your speaker boxx...settin fires to wires combustible lava hot...the poisonous cloud that loom over beats...flee from the fallout you fallout my dialect cut through diamonds i'm going all out poetical MISSISSIPPIAN style Navaho indian meaning i'm scalping wack emcees sending them to oblivian..its obvious my hypothesis has logic conclusions my science project impairs the optic causin illusions..its confusing some constitutions cant fathom the physics lyrics atom splittin gamma driven acid lithium ish

Zebra finch sleeping problems?

I have had a pair of zebra finches for around six months now. It is a male and female pair. They have been very happy and content until about a week ago. The male one has stopped the female from going anywhere near the nest they have. During the day he let's her go to and from the nest freely but at night he suddenly turns and doesn't want her in the nest when he is sleeping. Does anyone know why he is doing this or know how to stop this behaviour?

Where can I get this picture?

I want a picture of keeley haws from the music video Saturday Night by Suede or clips of her from the video please.

Can You wash Converse and Ugg slippers in the washing machine?

I tend to wear these shoes while playing Ultimate and Soccer in the park so they're pretty messy and don't smell great.

So what do you think about Zac Efron?

I think Zac efron is absolutly gorgeous, and so do many people i know do you? don't you? why? :) just curious xx

Trademark i need help?

ok i want to start designing t shirts and hats so basicly a clothing line so whats this stuff i hear i have to trademark? how do i do it? does it cost me anything? can i get it for free? where do i do it?

Need a good video game!!!?

i have ssx3, tony hawks, bully, ff10, ff10-2, ff12, advent children, kingdom hearts 1 and 2, simpsons.... now i need a new one, preferably like kh2 and ff10

Bible story question... have drawn a blank?

I am not sure which testament... or if any... but is there a story about a man that was hungry in the middle of the night... got up, lit a candle, placed a fig/date in front of the light, looked through the fruit, saw a worm and threw it aside. He did this again and again until finally he was so hungry that he blew out the light and ate the fruit anyway? if so where is it located?

Has anyone ever seen multiple cats peacefully spooning in real life, like you see in pictures on the internet?

From my experience with cats, I find it hard to understand how people get 5 or 6 cats to pose for a picture, all spooning in a row, like on this website: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a . I am definitely a cat person, and I have seen the behavior of many different cats and kittens. Now I know this is cynical of me, but I could only imagine getting them to lay there so peacefully if the cats were drugged, or if they were dead. I understand the cat spooning a person, and even just two cats spooning, because my 2 cats will sometimes do that. But 5 or 6 in a row like that? Im just curious to see if anyone has ever seen cats that were that tolerant of each other in large quantities. Or, if anyone shares my suspicions.

2 Year anniversary of the Benoit Family deaths?

It's hard to believe that it's been two years already since Chris, Nancy, and Daniel Benoit were all found dead in their home. I still remember it like it was yesterday. I had gone out to eat at Bonanza, which ironically I did on the day that Eddie Guerrero died too, and I arrived home, anxious to watch the 3-Hour episode of Monday Night Raw to see what was going to happen with the Vince getting blown up storyline, got on my computer and logged on to, and it hit me like a gut punch, "World Wrestling Entertainment is deeply saddened to report that today Chris Benoit and his family were found dead in their home. There are no further details at this time, other than the Benoit family residence is currently being investigated by local authorities. Tonight’s Raw on USA Network will serve as a tribute to Chris Benoit and his family. WWE extends its sincerest thoughts and prayers to the Benoit family’s relatives and loved ones in this time of tragedy." I stared at my computer in disbelief, I never in my wildest nightmares thought that would ever happen but it did. At the time the true details of the tragedy were not present so I thought that a burglar or someone broke in and murdered them, that, however turned out to be a false umption. In a short span of four hours, I went from disbelief and sadness, to shock, anger, disbelief, and pure sadness at the details that were later uncovered, Chris Benoit had murdered Nancy and Daniel and then hung himself. Nothing seemed real at all, it was a day I'll never forget, probably the darkest day in wrestling. That tragedy sent the wrestling world into a downspiral and cast a dark cloud over the business that it is just recently recovering from. The aftermath led to worse criticism of the business, stricter testing and the Signature Pharmacy scandal followed and no matter what people couldn't forget the tragedy and only now are people really moving on and enjoying wrestling again, but now, it's June 25, and today will be the day to reflect and remember Chris, Nancy, and Daniel Benoit. Remember Chris Benoit for his contributions to the business, remember Nancy for her contributions to wrestling as well and remember Daniel as a loving little boy, don't remember them as victims. While I am disgusted at Chris Benoit for doing it, there is no doubting the enormous contribution he gave to the business and remember him for that, but no matter what, whenever you look him up in the wrestling history books, there will always be an asterisk next to his name.

Belly pains 35 weeks today?

im 35 weeks today and i have had belly ache all day on and off, its not really painfull i would say more uncomfortable and also lower back pain and been feeling sick. any ideas why im feeling like this and the belly ache? do you think i could be dialating thats what the pains are? anybody who can give me advice i would be greatfull. thankyou. xx

If I mix hair bleach and shampoo..?

Okay so I have purple hair, I used manic panic purple haze on it about a month ago. I'm planning on bleaching it tonight so I can dye it turquoise, but people have told me that if I mix the bleach with some shampoo it will strip my hair to a light blonde. Should I just use the bleach, or mix it with shampoo? Also, if I do mix the hair bleach with shampoo, how long would I keep it in to get it light blonde/white? Thanks in advance <3

TRU problems!!!!!!!!HELP!!!!!!?

I just got the original Tomb Raider Underworld game.I installed it,wanted to start the game,and then while loading,the game crashed and a message appeared:"Your system has recovered from a serious error".Please help me!!!!Im dying to play the game!!!Its on PC

Treatment of swollen legs ?

All on a sudden noticed swelling of both the legs while trvelling in a car for more than 6 hours in the last March presumably due to aculation of edematous fluid. Treated with Lasyx, reduction of swelling. Now, swelling and tenderness localised in both the ankle joint

Don't today's Tea Party people remind you of the segregationists of the '50s and '60s?

You look at old photographs of the white mob screaming and taunting black children going to school. Then you see the coverage of last weekend that shows the white mob screaming and taunting at the black politicians on the steps of the Capitols itself. Don't you ask yourself what has changed in the last 50 years?


Mike Lowell is having a good season, but I don't see him keeping up that pace. Maybe you might wanna try using Teahen at that position...I don't know. Or you could try trading Lowell to get a different 3B. I'm surprised to see Gorzelanny on the FA list, as well as Jeremy Accardo. Accardo is the #1 closer on the Blue Jays right now, and he's pitching great. If you have any RP spots open, swoop him up fast. Delmon Young shouldn't even be available...he's a stud. I can't believe Matthews Jr and Rowand are available as well. Your team is set though man...good luck to you.

Am I undermining his discipline?

I have a 20 month old girl who is very busy and active. She is great but is a typical 20 month old. If my spouse says no to her and takes something away she has a fit and acts as though she has been shot. She will run to me and I will give her a hug and redirect her on to a safer toy or whatever. He thinks that because I give her a hug I am undermining him. I think that he needs to keep in perspective what it is that he wants. He doesn't want her to have the pencil...she doesn't. So it shouldn't matter if I hug her, I don't ever give back what has been taken. I just reure her and move her on to something else. If it is me taking the item away from her she has a small fit and comes to me for a hug and some reurance then as well. I am just wondering if he may be right and I am taking the easy way out.

See what he's just done? Should I move on? Has he lost interest?

We met online 3 weeks ago and have met up twice. He calls me all the time, texts me tons and when we can't meet, he will talk for a few hours by skype. He's working and studying but still fitted in times to meet up and have a coffee. Well, here's the thing, I left the site after meeting him as I was tired of the usual type I got chatting to. I told him this. I also told him I want to take things slowly and he said he'd always dreamed of having a girlfriend like me, someone refined and beautiful. So he told me he hopes things go well and we keep going out. We went out 2 nights ago and it went fine...we kissed but I wasn't crazy about his kissing style so I kind of cut it short. He has been texting me since then...really nice stuff. Here's the thing, after leaving the site, I opened another account just to see if he was still logging on and he wasn't until the yesterday. He also put up his picture again. But he didn't go online today, instead he was sending loads of texts telling me how much he's into me & asking why I cut the kiss short! I told him it took me by surprise & I didn't feel comfortable kissing on the street. What do you think? Should I now move on? He has already texted me to tell me we're going out to celebrate his end of exams in one week time.

Has anyone used Driclor on their hands?

I suffer from excess sweating and have been using driclor on my under arms for quite some time now and find it great, however it does cause some skin irritation, which i have down to minimal as i have found a way to stop so much irritation and put up with it as it is the only thing I have found that works. Recently I have been considering applying it to the palms of my hands too as the leaflet says it can be used for this but I am am weary as I don't want painful sore hands...could anyone tell me if they have used driclor on their hands? and what was their experience like? Thanks.

Need some EPIC SONGS/BANDS to listen to?

try pretty much anything from sum 41. their early stuff is really catchy, and they have one of the best drummers ive ever heard, just listen to '32 ways to die' you'll know what i mean.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Car audio wire connection and location. ?

There are speaker terminals on your amp, they would go there. Run them from that spot on your amp to your speakers. I think that you should pay someone to install this stuff for you since you do not even know where to run the speaker wires from.

I had a dream of a tsunami on my holiday what does this mean?

Nightmares can be a forewarning of impending doom but not for tsunamis, more about whether the family will get along, there being so many of you going to Jamaica. Perhaps the dream is about whether you will have the freedom to do your own thing or will be stuck with the family, doing family things, and tied into a curfew and not being able to party till late. It all seems to point to being suffocated by family and not having a real holiday to do as you please.

What should i first do to my 93 prelude h22a vtec?

im not new to the car world, but im new to doing the building myself i had a 92 eclipse that was built up when i bought it, but totaled it at 140 on the highway...i have a stock 93 prelude and i was looking for some advice. i want to fully build the engine before turbo it tho.

Fantasy football running back help?

I have a big problem. I have three really good running backs BenJarvus Green-Ellis, Arian Foster, and Steven Jackson. I don't know which two to start. I'm pretty sure I want to start Foster because, even though the Texans are playing the Ravens, he gets so many touchdowns and he gets receiving yards. But, I don't know whether to start Jackson or Green-Ellis Jackson is pretty consistent and the Rams are playing the saints. But, Green-Ellis has been on fire recently and he is facing a pretty average bears defense. Please help.

Becoming an actor in the state of nc?

hey i do live in nc, but the thing is i live in marion, thats in mcdowell county in western nc and i dont see any auditions for short movies, features, etc and i want to become an actor, before moving to cali or new york i at least want some jobs under my belt, some experience, so can somebody look around and see if you see sites that show auditions or films nearby in mcdowell county? or at least some form of theater thats looking because i want to become a movie actor, thank you

What kind of micro sd cards are compatible with the Samsung Blackjack 2?

I was just wondering if there are specific micro sd cards that are compatible with the samsung blackjack 2 because i was watching the phonescoop video (a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a and the guy was having trouble with the micro sd card.

Kim kardashian brags about wearing Real Fur. Do u think that's cruel?

Who in tarnation is this crackjaw-name, 5-knuckle-shuffle fodder, floosie airhead, wearing my Fido for a headscarf. Far better people than her, have been lobotomised for less!

Are you close with your brother?

Strange. Why don't you have a family night (all families are suppose to have one) and discuss some family issues plus whatever.

Why do christians allow women to be pastors?

when the Bible forbids women to teach men, the christian who are fundamentalists well I see they are liberal, they accept women as pastors but they ignore the verses of the corithian letters and they say in the book of acts the church has women as leaders..if it was truth why is it the history of the catholicism there is no women as priest? and either in the history of the Reform until the last centuries I found women as pastors in evangelic churches when women should be quiet and to obey his husband as the Bible said.

Star this if you have NEVER?

I stopped when I realized that you wasn't going to have a single period in that For that, you don't deserve a star.

Why does tea darken after I put it in a flask?

Maybeee ... It has something to do with the refraction of the light rays on the tea which is in your flask.. Which then may cause an influential shadow which would make it seem like it is much darker, when infact it really isn't.. OR the material used to line the flask reacts with liquid itself, influencing a change in colour to the liquid..

Printable safey comp!!!?

I hve an Earth Science Lab which is due on Monday and I can't figure out how to use my geographic safety comp, however I did fine with the ones in cl. Is there a difference between Geometric and Geological Safety compes? I need one which will help me draw the circles for the seismograms that will help me locate the epicenter. I'm only in middle school, so please help!!!